Cheat,Waltrough,TipsNtrick Harvestmoon Back to Nature PSX Terlengkap 2012

Lain dari yang lain , memang betul. Harvest Moon adalah sebuah game RPG yang diciptakan untuk menguji kemampuan seseorang dalam berbagai hal , game ini bukan game kekerasan. Harvest Moon bercerita tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang mencoba mengembalikan keadaan kebun kakeknya yang sudah kacau karena sang kakek sudah meninggal. Dalam game ini kita diberi kesempatan untuk meraih sukses seperti kehidupan nyata.
1. Karen , seorang gadis berambut pirang. Tinggal di supermarket bersama ayah dan ibunya Jeff dan Sasha.
  • Karen – Ulang tahun : Fall 15 dan menyukai wine. Apabila ulang tahunmu tanggal 15 Fall , maka ulang tahun Karen Fall 23.
2. Ann , gadis Inn bersama ayahnya Doug.
  • Ann – Ulang tahun : Summer 17 dan menyukai spa boiled egg. Apabila ulang tahunmu tanggal 17 Summer , maka ulang tahun Ann Summer 22.
3. Popuri , gadis yang tinggal di Poultry Farm bersama kakaknya Rick dan Lilia ibunya.
  • Popuri – Ulang tahun : Summer 3 dan menyukai bunga dan madu. Apabila ulang tahunmu tanggal 3 Summer , maka ulang tahun Popuri Summer 10.
4. Elli , gadis yang bekerja diklinik bersama dokter. Ia tinggal dirumahnya bersama Stu adiknya dan Ellen neneknya.
  • Elli – Ulang tahun : Spring 16 dan menyukai bunga. Apabila ulang tahunmu tanggal 16 Spring , maka ulang tahun Elli Spring 20.
5. Mary , gadis yang bekerja diperpustakaan. Tinggal bersama Basil ayahnya dan Anna ibunya.
  • Mary – Ulang tahun : Winter 25 dan menyukai bamboo shoot.
HITAM : Dia tidak menyukaimu sama sekali.
UNGU : Dia hanya bersikap biasa.
BIRU : Dia mulai berfikir kamu menarik.
HIJAU : Dia mulai jatuh cinta padamu.
KUNING : Dia mulai mau berkencan denganmu.
ORANGE : Dia mulai berfikir untuk menikah denganmu.
MERAH : Dia sangat mencintaimu.
Harvest Moon-Back To Nature
# Description Code
1 Max Lumber 80070D38 03E7
2 Max Fodder 80070D3A 03E7
3 Max Fish Food 80070D3E 03E7
4 Max Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7
5 Have Maxed Power Fruit 800712BC 000A
6 Max RuckSack Storage 80071A1E 0002
7 Max Level Sickle 80071A40 FFFF
8 Max Level Hoe 80071A42 FFFF
9 Max Level Ax 80071A44 FFFF
10 Max Level Hammer 80071A46 FFFF
11 Max Level Watering Can 80071A48 FFFF
12 Infinite Money 80071A5C FFFF
13 Max Money 80071A5C 967F
80071A5E 0098
14 Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF
15 Max Medals 80071A60 967F
80071A62 0098
16 Max Earnings 800711FC 967F
800711FE 0098
17 Zero Reduction Expenses 80071200 0000
18 Max Amount Shipped (GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed! 50001502 0000
800711C4 03E7
19 Max Amount Shipped All (Caetla Only) B0150002 00000000
800711C4 03E7
Equipped Item Modifier Codes
20 Usable Item Slot 80071A84 0???
21 Slot 1 80071A90 0???
22 Slot 2 80071A96 0???
23 Slot 3 80071A9C 0???
24 Slot 4 80071AA2 0???
25 Slot 5 80071AA8 0???
26 Slot 6 80071AAE 0???
27 Slot 7 80071AB4 0???
28 Slot 8 80071ABA 0???
Max Equipped Item Codes
29 Usable Item Slot 80071A88 0063
30 Slot 1 80071A94 0063
31 Slot 2 80071A9A 0063
32 Slot 3 80071AA0 0063
33 Slot 4 80071AA6 0063
34 Slot 5 80071AAC 0063
35 Slot 6 80071AB2 0063
36 Slot 7 80071AB8 0063
37 Slot 8 80071ABE 0063
RuckSack Item Modifier Codes
38 Item in Hand Slot Modifier 80071A8A 0???
39 Slot 1 80071AC0 0???
40 Slot 2 80071AC6 0???
41 Slot 3 80071ACC 0???
42 Slot 4 80071AD2 0???
43 Slot 5 80071AD8 0???
44 Slot 6 80071ADE 0???
45 Slot 7 80071AE4 0???
46 Slot 8 80071AEA 0???
Max RuckSack Item Codes
47 Item in Hand Slot 80071A8E 0063
48 Slot 1 80071AC4 0063
49 Slot 2 80071ACA 0063
50 Slot 3 80071AD0 0063
51 Slot 4 80071AD6 0063
52 Slot 5 80071ADC 0063
53 Slot 6 80071AE2 0063
54 Slot 7 80071AE8 0063
55 Slot 8 80071AEE 0063
Toolbox 1 Item Modifier Codes
56 Slot 1 80070EC2 0???
57 Slot 2 80070EC8 0???
58 Slot 3 80070ECE 0???
59 Slot 4 80070ED4 0???
60 Slot 5 80070EDA 0???
61 Slot 6 80070EE0 0???
62 Slot 7 80070EE6 0???
63 Slot 8 80070EEC 0???
Toolbox 2 Item Modifier Codes
64 Slot 1 80070EF2 0???
65 Slot 2 80070EF8 0???
66 Slot 3 80070EFE 0???
67 Slot 4 80070F04 0???
68 Slot 5 80070F0A 0???
69 Slot 6 80070F10 0???
70 Slot 7 80070F16 0???
71 Slot 8 80070F1C 0???
Toolbox 3 Item Modifier Codes
72 Slot 1 80070F22 0???
73 Slot 2 80070F28 0???
74 Slot 3 80070F2E 0???
75 Slot 4 80070F34 0???
76 Slot 5 80070F3A 0???
77 Slot 6 80070F40 0???
78 Slot 7 80070F46 0???
79 Slot 8 80070F4C 0???
Toolbox 4 Item Modifier Codes
80 Slot 1 80070F52 0???
81 Slot 2 80070F58 0???
82 Slot 3 80070F5E 0???
83 Slot 4 80070F64 0???
84 Slot 5 80070F6A 0???
85 Slot 6 80070F70 0???
86 Slot 7 80070F76 0???
87 Slot 8 80070F7C 0???
Toolbox 5 Item Modifier Codes
88 Slot 1 80070F82 0???
89 Slot 2 80070F88 0???
90 Slot 3 80070F8E 0???
91 Slot 4 80070F94 0???
92 Slot 5 80070F9A 0???
93 Slot 6 80070FA0 0???
94 Slot 7 80070FA6 0???
95 Slot 8 80070FAC 0???
Toolbox 6 Item Modifier Codes
96 Slot 1 80070FB2 0???
97 Slot 2 80070FB8 0???
98 Slot 3 80070FBE 0???
99 Slot 4 80070FC4 0???
100 Slot 5 80070FCA 0???
101 Slot 6 80070FD0 0???
102 Slot 7 80070FD6 0???
103 Slot 8 80070FDC 0???
Toolbox 7 Item Modifier Codes
104 Slot 1 80070FE2 0???
105 Slot 2 80070FE8 0???
106 Slot 3 80070FEE 0???
107 Slot 4 80070FF4 0???
108 Slot 5 80070FFA 0???
109 Slot 6 80071000 0???
110 Slot 7 80071006 0???
111 Slot 8 8007100C 0???
Toolbox 8 Item Modifier Codes
112 Slot 1 80071012 0???
113 Slot 2 80071018 0???
114 Slot 3 8007101E 0???
115 Slot 4 80071024 0???
116 Slot 5 8007102A 0???
117 Slot 6 80071030 0???
118 Slot 7 80071036 0???
119 Slot 8 8007103C 0???
Toolbox 1 Max Item Codes
120 Slot 1 80070EC6 0063
121 Slot 2 80070ECC 0063
122 Slot 3 80070ED2 0063
123 Slot 4 80070ED8 0063
124 Slot 5 80070EDE 0063
125 Slot 6 80070EE4 0063
126 Slot 7 80070EEA 0063
127 Slot 8 80070EF0 0063
Toolbox 2 Max Item Codes
128 Slot 1 80070EF6 0063
129 Slot 2 80070EFC 0063
130 Slot 3 80070F02 0063
131 Slot 4 80070F08 0063
132 Slot 5 80070F0E 0063
133 Slot 6 80070F14 0063
134 Slot 7 80070F1A 0063
135 Slot 8 80070F20 0063
Toolbox 3 Max Item Codes
136 Slot 1 80070F26 0063
137 Slot 2 80070F2C 0063
138 Slot 3 80070F32 0063
139 Slot 4 80070F38 0063
140 Slot 5 80070F3E 0063
141 Slot 6 80070F44 0063
142 Slot 7 80070F4A 0063
143 Slot 8 80070F50 0063
Toolbox 4 Max Item Codes
144 Slot 1 80070F56 0063
145 Slot 2 80070F5C 0063
146 Slot 3 80070F62 0063
147 Slot 4 80070F68 0063
148 Slot 5 80070F6E 0063
149 Slot 6 80070F74 0063
150 Slot 7 80070F7A 0063
151 Slot 8 80070F80 0063
Toolbox 5 Max Item Codes
152 Slot 1 80070F86 0063
153 Slot 2 80070F8C 0063
154 Slot 3 80070F92 0063
155 Slot 4 80070F98 0063
156 Slot 5 80070F9E 0063
157 Slot 6 80070FA4 0063
158 Slot 7 80070FAA 0063
159 Slot 8 80070FB0 0063
Toolbox 6 Max Item Codes
160 Slot 1 80070FB6 0063
161 Slot 2 80070FBC 0063
162 Slot 3 80070FC2 0063
163 Slot 4 80070FC8 0063
164 Slot 5 80070FCE 0063
165 Slot 6 80070FD4 0063
166 Slot 7 80070FDA 0063
167 Slot 8 80070FE0 0063
Toolbox 7 Max Item Codes
168 Slot 1 80070FE6 0063
169 Slot 2 80070FEC 0063
170 Slot 3 80070FF2 0063
171 Slot 4 80070FF8 0063
172 Slot 5 80070FFE 0063
173 Slot 6 80071004 0063
174 Slot 7 8007100A 0063
175 Slot 8 80071010 0063
Toolbox 8 Max Item Codes
176 Slot 1 80071016 0063
177 Slot 2 8007101C 0063
178 Slot 3 80071022 0063
179 Slot 4 80071028 0063
180 Slot 5 8007102E 0063
181 Slot 6 80071034 0063
182 Slot 7 8007103A 0063
183 Slot 8 80071040 0063
184 Max Stamina 80071A12 003C
185 Red Heart Popuri 800786B4 FFFF
186 Red Heart Elli 80077298 FFFF
187 Red Heart Karen 800767A0 FFFF
188 Red Heart Ann 80076EF0 FFFF
189 Red Heart Mary 80077BBC FFFF
190 Zero Dead Animals 80127232 0000
191 All Item Shipped 800711C4 03E7
800711C6 03E7
800711C8 03E7
800711CA 03E7
800711CC 03E7
800711CE 03E7
800711D0 03E7
800711D2 03E7
800711D4 03E7
800711D6 03E7
800711D8 03E7
800711DA 03E7
800711DC 03E7
800711DE 03E7
800711E0 03E7
800711E2 03E7
800711E4 03E7
800711E6 03E7
800711E8 03E7
800711EA 03E7
800711EC 03E7
192 Max Hearts Chicken 1 30074302 00FF
193 Max Hearts Chicken 2 300743B6 00FF
194 Max Hearts Chicken 3 3007446A 00FF
195 Max Hearts Chicken 4 3007451E 00FF
196 Max Hearts Barn Animal 1 30074A0A 00FF
197 Max Hearts Barn Animal 2 30074AC2 00FF
198 Max Hearts Dog 300759FA 00FF
199 Max Hearts Horse 30075AEA 00FF
200 Maximum Harvest Sprite’s Affection 8007A64E 010E
8007A746 010E
8007A83E 010E
8007A936 010E
8007AA2E 010E
8007AB26 010E
8007AC1E 010E
201 Max Affection Cow 1 80074A0A 010E
202 Max Affection Cow 2 80074AC2 010E
203 Max Affection Cow 3 80074B7A 010E
204 Max Affection Cow 4 80074C32 010E
205 Max Affection Cow 5 80074CEA 010E
206 Max Affection Cow 6 80074DA2 010E
207 Max Affection Cow 7 80074E5A 010E
208 Max Affection Cow 8 80074F12 010E
209 Max Affection Cow 9 80074FCA 010E
210 Max Affection Cow 10 80075082 010E
211 Max Affection Cow 11 8007513A 010E
212 Max Affection Cow 12 800751F2 010E
213 Max Affection Cow 13 800752AA 010E
214 Max Affection Cow 14 80075362 010E
215 Max Affection Cow 15 8007541A 010E
216 Max Affection Cow 16 800754D2 010E
217 Max Affection Cow 17 8007558A 010E
218 Max Affection Cow 18 80075642 010E
219 Max Affection Cow 19 800756FA 010E
220 Max Affection Cow 20 800757B2 010E
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes
000 – Nothing
001 – Sickle
002 – Copper Sickle
003 – Silver Sickle
004 – Gold Sickle
005 – Mystrile Sickle
006 – Hoe
007 – Copper Hoe
008 – Silver Hoe
009 – Gold Hoe
00A – Mystrile Hoe
00B – Ax
00C – Copper Ax
00D – Silver Ax
00E – Gold Ax
00F – Mystrile Ax
010 – Hammer
011 – Copper Hammer
012 – Silver Hammer
013 – Gold Hammer
014 – Mystrile Hammer
015 – Watering Can
016 – Copper Watering Can
017 – Silver Watering Can
018 – Gold Watering Can
019 – Mystrile Watering Can
01A – Milker
01B – Clippers
01C – Brush
01D – Bell
01E – Animal Medicine
01F – Cow Miracle Potion
020 – Sheep Miracle Potion
021 – Blue Feather
022 – Turnip Seeds
023 – Potato Seeds
024 – Cucumber Seeds
025 – Strawberry Seeds
026 – Cabbage Seeds
027 – Tomato Seeds
028 – Corn Seeds
029 – Onion Seeds
02A – Pumpkin Seeds
02B – Pineapple Seeds
02C – Eggplant Seeds
02D – Carrot Seeds
02E – Sweet Potato Seeds
02F – Spinach Seeds
030 – Green Pepper Seeds
031 – Moondrop Seeds
032 – Pink Cat Seeds
033 – Magic Red Seeds
034 – Toy Flower Seeds
035 – Orange Cup Seeds
036 – Grass Seeds
037 – Ocarina
038 – Fishing Rod
039 – Fishing Pole
03A – Stone
03B – Big Stone
03C – Rock
03D – Stump
03E – Branch
03F – Lumber
040 – Weeds
041 – Turnip
042 – Potato
043 – Cucumber
044 – Strawberry
045 – Cabbage
046 – Tomato
047 – Corn
048 – Onion
049 – Pumpkin
04A – Pineapple
04B – Eggplant
04C – Carrot
04D – Sweet Potato
04E – Spinach
04F – Green Pepper
050 – Grass
051 – Moon Drop Flower
052 – Pink Cat Flower
053 – Blue Magic Red Flower
054 – Red Magic Red Flower
055 – Toy Flower
056 – Orange Cup Fruit
057 – Apple
058 – Bamboo Shoot
059 – Wild Grape
05A – Mushroom
05B – Poisonous Mushroom
05C – Truffle
05D – Blue Grass
05E – Red Grass
05F – Green Grass
060 – Mystrile
061 – Orichalcum
062 – Adamantite
064 – Basket
065 – Dog Ball
066 – Coin
067 – Power Berry
068 – Fodder
069 – Chicken Feed
06A – Fodder
06B – Chicken Feed
06C – Fish Food
06D – Rucksack Level 2
06E – Rucksack Level 3
06F – Pocketststion
070 – Gift Wrap
071 – Vase
072 – Knife
073 – Frying Pan
074 – Pot
075 – Mixer
076 – Whisk
077 – Rolling Pin
078 – Oven
079 – Seasoning Set
07A – Gold
07B – Silver
07C – Copper
07D – Carp Print
07E – Char Print
07F – Catfish Print
080 – Squid Print
081 – Angler Print
082 – Sea Bream
083 – Beehive
084 – Fish Food
085 – Orange Cup Fruit
086 – Egg
087 – Spa-boiled Egg
088 – Mayonnaise S
089 – Mayonnaise M
08A – Mayonnaise L
08B – Milk S
08C – Milk M
08D – Milk L
08E – Cheese S
08F – Cheese M
090 – Cheese L
091 – Wool S
092 – Wool M
093 – Wool L
094 – Yarn S
095 – Yarn M
096 – Yarn L
097 – Honey
098 – SUGDW Apple
099 – Riceballs
09A – Bread
09B – Bodigizer
09C – Bodigizer XL
09D – Turbojolt
09E – Turbojolt XL
09F – Wine
0A0 – Grape Juice
0A1 – Fish L
0A2 – Fish M
0A3 – Fish S
0A4 – Gift
0A5 – Oil
0A6 – Flour
0A7 – Curry Powder
0A8 – Set Meal
0A9 – Wild Grape Wine
0AA – Milk
0AB – Water
0AC – Snowcone
0AD – Veggie Pancake
0AE – Fried Rice
0AF – Stir Fry
0B0 – Miso Soup
0B1 – Stew
0B2 – Curry
0B3 – Salad
0B4 – Fruit Juice
0B5 – Veggie Juice
0B6 – Mixed Juice
0B7 – Sandwich
0B8 – Pickled Turnips
0B9 – Fries
0BA – Pickles
0BB – Strawberry Jam
0BC – Strawberry Milk
0BD – Tomato Juice
0BE – Popcorn
0BF – Pumpkin Pudding
0C0 – Happy Eggplant
0C1 – Sweet Potato (recipe)
0C2 – Roasted Potatoes
0C3 – Greens
0C4 – Scrambled Eggs
0C5 – Omelet
0C6 – Boiled Egg
0C7 – Hot Milk
0C8 – Butter
0C9 – Cheese Cake
0CA – Cheese Fondue
0CB – Apple Jam
0CC – Apple Pie
0CD – Bamboo Rice
0CE – Mushroom Rice
0CF – Truffle Rice
0D0 – Grape Jam
0D1 – Sushi
0D2 – Chirashi Sushi
0D3 – Jam Bun
0D4 – Raisin Bread
0D5 – Dinner Roll
0D6 – Sashimi
0D7 – Grilled Fish
0D8 – Pizza
0D9 – Pasta
0DA – Noodles
0DB – Curry Noodles
0DC – Tempura Noodles
0DD – Fried Noodles
0DE – Tempura
0DF – Cookie
0E0 – Ice Cream
0E1 – Cake
0E2 – Food Fiasco
0E3 – Milk G
0E4 – Cheese G
0E5 – Mayonnaise G
0E6 – Yarn G
0E7 – Wool G
0E8 – Egg G
0E9 – Can
0EA – Message In Bottle
0EB – Boot
0EC – Dead Fish
0ED – Carp
0EE – Char
0EF – Catfish
0F0 – Squid
0F1 – Angler
0F2 – Sea Bream
0F4 – Chocolate Cookies
0F5 – Chocolate Cake
0F6 – Moonview Dumplings
0F7 – Bracelet
0F8 – Necklace
0F9 – Earings
0FA – Bandage
0FB – Relax Tea Leaves
0FC – Relaxation Tea
0FD – Fruit Latte
0FE – Veggie Latte
0FF – Mixed Latte
100 – Perfume
101 – Cliff’s Photo
102 – Letter
103 – Invitation
104 – Woodcutter Book
105 – Picturebook Of People
106 – Adult Dog
107 – Young Dog
108 – Cat
109 – Chicken
10A – Chick
10B – White Rabbit
10C – Brown Rabbit
10D – Suirrel
10E – Fox
10F – Monkey
110 – Snake
111 – Crab
112 – Butterfly
113 – Butterfly 2
114 – Beetle
115 – Stag Beetle
116 – Cicada
117 – Dragonfly
118 – Cricket
119 – Lady Bug
11A – Grasshopper
11B – Triangle Sandwich
11C – Deluxe Sandwich
11D – Riceball
11E – Red Bean Bun
11F – Pizza
120 – Meat
121 – Toast
122 – Egg N
123 – Egg G
124 – Egg E
125 – Popuri’s Egg
126 – Mystic Berry
127 – Unclear Message In Bottle
128 – Spring Seeds
129 – Summer Seeds
12A – Spring Seeds
12B – Toy Chick
12C – Cow Reins
12D – God Map
12E – Ketchup
12F – Rice Omelet
130 – Salad
131 – Apple Pie
132 – Cheese Cake
133 – Cookie
134 – Water
135 – Roasted Corn
136 – Pasta
137 – Pizza
138 – Junk Ore
139 – Aja Grapes
13A – Dead Weed
13B – Winter Stone
13C – Winter Branch
13D – Winter Lumber
13E – Water
13F – Mayonnaise Maker
1. Henhouse extension
Cost: 5000g
Lumber: 420
This add 5 more feedboxes to your henhouse, so you can have up to 10 hens in your henhouse, and there is 2 incubators.2. 1st house extension
Cost: 4700g
Lumber: 370
This add a kitchen, a cabinet, a referigerator, and a large table
with some chairs to your house.
3. Barn extension
Cost: 6800g
Lumber: 500
This adds 10 more feedboxes to your barn, so you can have up to 20 cows and sheep, and this extension adds 1 more stashing place.
4. 2nd house extension
Cost: 10000g
Lumber: 750
This add a bedroom, with 2 beds inside, and this extension is needed if you want to get married.
5. Hothouse extension
Cost: 30000g
Lumber: 580
If you have a hothouse then you can grow any seed in any season, and this is necessary if you want to plant orangecups. This hothouse can
be destroyed if there’s a hurricane or blizzard. Most of the time it doesnt get destroyed, just pray that you’re lucky.
Ann celebrates her birthday every Summer 17! To be invited to her birthday…1) From Spring, start offering spa boiled eggs, eggs, milk, flowers to her until her heart is blue!
2) In Summer 10-13 days before her birthday you will recieve an invitation in your mail box (paper rolled with yellow ribbon tied)
3) In Summer 17 bring the invitation anytime from 10 am until 8 pm. It is not a grand celebration but this tip will increase your relationship with them!
Louis: 2nd of Spring
Bold: 4th of Spring
Saibara: 11th of Spring
Staid: 15th of Spring
Elli: 16 of Spring- 20th of if yours 16TH
Barley: 17th of Spring
Lillia: 19th of Spring
Aqua: (Aqua sprite)- 26 of Spring
Greg: 29th of Spring
Sasha: 30th of SpringSUMMER
Popuri: 3rd-10th if yours 3rd
Harris: 4th
Cliff: 6th
Basil: 11th
Timid: 16th
Ann: 17th-22nd if yours is 17th
Kai: 22nd
Mayor Thomas: 25th
Zack the Shipment Guy: 29th
Gotz: 2nd
Stu: 5th
Hoggy: 10th
Manna: 11th
Chef: 14th
Karen: 15th-23rd if yours is 15th
Doctor: 17th
Priest: 20th
Anna: 23rd
Rick: 27th
Kano, the Photographer: 2nd
Gray: 6th
Ellen: 13th
Duke: 15th
Won: 19th
Mary: 20th–24th if yours 20th
May: 26th
Jeff: 29th
Lillia- She is very friendly, she also works at the Poultry Farm.
Rick- He is Popuri’s brother
Popuri- She is a lovely pink-haired girl
Barley- The owner of Yodel Farm
May- She is a young girl
Saibara- Owner of the Blacksmith
Gray- Grandson of Saibara
Duke- Violet coat Guy
Manna- Wife of Duke
Jeff- Seler in supermarket
Sasha- And likes to gossip at Rose Square.
Karen- The girl with a little edge.
Basil- Writer of books about plants
Anna- Another gossiper, but she is extremely nice.
Mary- Works at the library, only person who likes poisonous mushrooms.
Pastor- Priest
Doug- Inn Guy
Ann- Tomboy Girl
Won- Seller of rare seeds and dogball
Cliff- Brown Chlotes and hair
Kai- He comes only in the summer
Zack- Buyer
Greg- Fisherman
Gotz- Carpenter
Louis- He is looking for rare bees.
Thomas- He is the mayor
Harris- Police
Kano- Photographer.
Ellen- She takes care of Stu and Elli.
Stu- He is a very young Boy
Elli- She works at the Clinic
Doctor- Doctor
Ann – Heart 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 11:20 am
Location: Inn
Description: “She’s Cute”Ann – Rival 1.0 – Black
Time: Fri 6, Spring 1, 12:00-2:30 pm
Location: Church
Description: “Carter’s Lunch”
Ann – Heart 2.0 – Blue
Time: Sun 15, Spring 1, 4:30 pm
Location: Inn (outside)
Description: “Imagine me Married?”
Ann – Rival 2.0 – Blue
Time: Mon 9, Spring 1, 6:30 pm
Location: Inn (upstairs)
Description: “Cliff’s Dinner”
Ann – Rival 3.0 – Blue/Green
Time: Sun 7, Spring 2, 6:10 pm
Location: Inn
Description: “Forever”
Ann – Rival 4.0 – Blue/Green
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 11:30 am
Location: Vineyard
Description: “Stories”
Ann – Heart 7.0 – Married
Time: Automatic
Location: Mother’s Hill
Description: Ann’s Sunny Day Nap
Elli – Heart 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 9:00 am
Location: Clinic
Description: “No Pain”
Elli – Rival 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 2:30 pm
Location: Clinic
Description: “Cute Babies”
Elli – Heart 2.0 (note: as soon as purple heart)(note: weather irrelevant) – Purple
Time: Mon 9, Spring 1, 3:50 pm
Location: Clinic (outside)
Description: “Fun Work”
Elli – Rival 2.0 – Purple
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 10:30 am
Location: Clinic
Description: “Cold?”
Elli – Heart 3.0 (note: triggers automatically)(note: Horse Race does not conflict) – Blue
Time: Tues 17, Spring 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Farm
Description: “Lunch Sandwiches”
Elli – Rival 3.0 – Blue
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 2:00 pm
Location: Beach
Description: “Not Leaving”
Doctor – (note: This seems to trigger regardless of Elli’s heart level, but *may* be necessary for the Elli/Doctor marriage path)
Time: Wed 29, Summer 2 11:10 am
Location: Church
Description: “Confessional”
Karen – Heart 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 11:00 am
Location: Supermarket
Description: “You Should Pay”
Karen – Rival 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 6:40-7:00 am
Location: Church (outside)
Description: “Forest Walk”
Karen – Rival 1.2 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 1:20 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: “Cad!!”
Karen – Heart 2.0 – Purple
Time: Mon 16, Spring 1, 7:30 pm
Location: Goddess Spring 1,
Description: “Love Life Troubles”
Karen – Rival 2.0 – Purple/Blue
Time: Sat 6, Spring 2, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: “Daughter”
Karen – Rival 3.0 – Blue
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 4:50 pm
Location: Supermarket (outside)
Description: “Making Up”
Karen – Rival 6.0 – Red (note: Popuri must be married for this event to trigger)
Time: Fri 4, Spring 2, 12:00-12:50 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: “Missing Popuri – Karen’s Proposal”
Mary – Heart 1.0 – Black
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 10:00 am
Location: Library
Description: “Writing?”
Mary – Rival 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 2:00 pm
Location: Town Square
Description: “Looking For”
Mary – Heart 2.0 – Purple
Time: Wed 11, Spring 1, 2:50 pm
Location: Library
Description: “Care to Read”
Mary – Rival 2.0 – Purple
Time: Sun 13, Summer 1, 5:00 pm
Location: Library (outside)
Description: “Book Advice”
Mary – Heart 3.0 – Blue
Time: Automatic
Location: Farm
Description: “Woodcutter and King”
Mary – Rival 3.0 – Blue
Time: Tues 2 / Wed 24, Spring 2, 10:00-4:20 pm
Location: Blacksmith
Description: “Burns”
Mary – Rival 4.0 – Blue/Green
Time: Tues 30, Spring 2, 3:40-4:00 pm
Location: Library
Description: “Book Review”
Mary – Rival 5.0 – Blue/Green
Time: Wed, Spring 2 / Summer 2, 11:10-4:10 pm
Location: Church
Description: “Confessional”
Popuri – Heart 1.0 – Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: “Pon the Chicken”
Popuri – Heart 2.0 – Purple
Time: Mon 23, Spring 1, 1:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: “Leave the village”
Popuri – Rival 1.0 – Black/Purple (note: Weather irrelevant)
Time: Sun 30, Spring 1, any time
Location: Vineyard
Description: “Kai’s Arrival”
Popuri – Rival 1.2 – Black/Purple
Time: Wed 2, Summer 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: “Nice Girl”
Popuri – Heart 2.0 – Purple/Blue
Time: Fri 10, Summer 1, (Year 2) 1:00 pm
Location: Beach
Description: “Leaving”
Popuri – Rival 2.0 – Purple/Blue
Time: Fri 11, Summer 1, 5:10 pm exactly
Location: Beach
Description: “I like the Summer”
Popuri – Heart 7.0 – Married
Time: Automatic
Location: Farm
Description: “Hurt Bird”
Won 1.0
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 6:00 am
Location: Farm
Won 2.0
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 6:20 am
Location: Town Square
Won 3.0
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 6:40 am
Location: Gotz’ House
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 11:00 am
Location: Ranch
Description: “Horse” (can buy/sell livestock afterwards)
Time: Sun 13, Summer 1, 6:00 pm
Location: Beach
Time: any day, Summer 1, anytime after hurricane, must have bottle from ocean
Location: Beach
Description: “Perfume”
Time: any day, Summer 1, 5:00 – Midnight
Location: Inn
Description: “Kai’s Fight”
Time: any day, Fall 1 / Winter 1, starts automatically
Location: Farm
Description: “Gray’s Rebellion”
(note: In this scene, Gray comes to stay at your farm for a few days and breaks up some stones and weeds while he’s there. I got this once, long ago, and I cannot get it to trigger again. I would welcome any information from anyone who knows how to consistently trigger this scene.)
Time: any day, Winter 1, must be snowing
Location: Town Square
Description: “Memories”
Time: any day, Winter 1, must be snowing
Location: Gotz’ House
Description: “Mountain Storm”
Time: Wed 3, Spring 2, any time
Location: Supermarket
Description: “Celebration Sale”
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 10:50 am
Location: Inn
Description: “Food Thief”
Time: Sat 20, Spring 2, 6:10 pm
Location: Exiting Farm House
Description: “Letter”
Time: Sun 21, Spring 2, 9:00 am
Location: Winery
Description: “Aja”
Time: Tues 23, Spring 2, 6:00 am
Location: Exiting Farm House
Description: “Letter from Aja”
Time: Sat 5, Spring 3, 2:30-3:00 pm
Location: Gotz House
Description: “Monkey Attacks”


It is summer again and Kai visits the town always! Want to make Kai stay the whole year? Here’s how…Every summer, fireworks festival is celebrated…just invite Kai to go with you to watch the fireworks… before this will happen, Kai and Popuri will argue(why Kai don’t want to go with Popuri)… he will answer “because i made a promise to someone”… and Popuri will later found out that it was you!
When summer ends and fall comes , he(Kai) will not say goodbye to you!
Infinite Lumber 80070D38 03E7Maximum Cash 80071a5ce0ff
Have Maximum Rucksack Storage
80071A1E 0002
400% Level for Tools
80071A40 FFFF
80071A42 FFFF
80071A44 FFFF
80071A46 FFFF
80071A48 FFFF
All Items Shipped
800711C4 03E7
800711C6 03E7
800711C8 03E7
800711CA 03E7
800711CC 03E7
800711CE 03E7
800711D0 03E7
800711D2 03E7
800711D4 03E7
800711D6 03E7
800711D8 03E7
800711DA 03E7
800711DC 03E7
800711DE 03E7
800711E0 03E7
800711E2 03E7
800711E4 03E7
800711E6 03E7
800711E8 03E7
800711EA 03E7
800711EC 03E7
Change Season
Replace the two xx’s with…00-Spring, 01-Summer, 02-Fall, 03-Winter
Watering Can Always Full 80071a880064
Stop Timer
Change Day 80070cf600xx
Replace the two xx’s with…00-Sunday, 01-Monday, 02-Tuesday, 03-Wednesday, 04-Thursday, 05-Friday, 06-Saturday
Change Date 80070cf400xx
Replace xx with: 0 – 1-30
Item Modifier
Slots are inorder from 1 thru 24. Replace xx with:
05-Mystrile Sickle,
09-Golden Hoe,
14-Mystrile Hammer,
19-Mystrile Watering Can,
0a-Mystrile Hoe,
0f-Mystrile Axe,
1e-Animal Medicine,
1f-Cow Miracle Potion,
20-Sheep Miracle Potion,
21-Blue Feather,
22-Turnip Seeds,
23-Potato Seeds,
24-Cucumber Seeds,
25-Strawberry Seeds,
26-Cabbage Seeds,
27-Tomato Seeds,
28-Corn Seeds,
29-Onion Seeds,
2a-Pumpkin Seeds,
2b-Pineapple Seeds,
2c-Eggplant Seeds,
2d-Carrot Seeds,
2e-Sweet Potato Seeds,
2f-Spinach Seeds,
30-Green Pepper Seeds,
31-Moondrop Seeds,
32-Pink Cat Seeds,
33-Magic Red Seeds,
34-Toy Flower Seeds,
35-Orange Cup Seeds,
36-Grass Seeds,
38-Fishing Rod,
39-Fishing Pole
Infinite money (note1)
80076338 FFFFMax money (note1)
80076338 967F
8007633A 0098
Max lumber
80075614 03E7
Max fodder
80075616 03E7
Max fish food
8007561A 03E7
Max chicken feed
8007561C 03E7
Max power fruit (note2)
80075B98 000A
Max rucksack storage (note3)
800762FA 0002
Max level sickle
8007631C FFFF
Max level hoe
8007631E FFFF
Max level ax
80076320 FFFF
Max level hammer
80076322 FFFF
Max level watering can
80076324 FFFF
Max earnings
80075AD8 967F
80075ADA 0098
No expenses (note1)
80075ADC 0000
Max stamina
800762EE 003C
Tomorrows Wheater (note4)
8007F5DE 000?
Weather control (note5)
700633C4 F7FF
8007F5DE 0000
700633C4 FFDF
8007F5DE 0001
Infinite medals
8007633C FFFF
Max medals
8007633C 967F
8007633E 0098
Over stamina frozen at 0
800762F2 0000
Haven’t littered at all
3007634C 0000
No dead animals
8012BB0E 0000
10 hearts dog
3007A2D6 00FF
Dog’s intelligence (note6)
3007A36C 00FF
10 hearts horse
3007A3C6 00FF
Horse’s stamina (note6)
3007A45C 00??
All items shipped
80075AA0 03E7
80075AA2 03E7
80075AA4 03E7
80075AA6 03E7
80075AA8 03E7
80075AAA 03E7
80075AAC 03E7
80075AAE 03E7
80075AB0 03E7
80075AB2 03E7
80075AB4 03E7
80075AB6 03E7
80075AB8 03E7
80075ABA 03E7
80075ABC 03E7
80075ABE 03E7
80075AC0 03E7
80075AC2 03E7
80075AC4 03E7
80075AC6 03E7
80075AC8 03E7
4b. Affection codes
a. Girls
Popuri has red heart
8007CF90 FFFF
Elli has red heart
8007BB74 FFFF
Karen has red heart
8007B07C FFFF
Ann has red heart
Mary has red heart
8007C498 FFFF
b. Villagers (note7)
Jeff’s affection
3007ACD2 00FF
Sasha’s affection
3007AEA6 00FF
Saibara’s affection
3007B24E 00FF
Gray’s affection
3007B422 00FF
Doug’s affection
3007B5F6 00FF
Doctor’s affection
3007B99E 00FF
Pastor Carter’s affection
3007BD46 00FF
Cliff’s affection
3007BF1A 00FF
Basil’s affection
3007C0EE 00FF
Anna’s affection
3007C2C2 00FF
Barley’s affection
3007C66A 00FF
May’s affection
3007C83E 00FF
Mayor Thomas’ affection
3007CA12 00FF
Lilla’s affection
3007CBE6 00FF
Rick’s affection
3007CDBA 00FF
Duke’s affection
3007D162 00FF
Manna’s affection
3007D336 00FF
Ellen’s affection
3007D50A 00FF
Gotz’s affection
3007D6DE 00FF
Kai’s affection
3007D8B2 00FF
Harris’ affection
3007DE2E 00FF
Kano’s affection
3007E002 00FF
Louis’ affection
3007E3AA 00FF
Greg’s affection
3007E57E 00FF
Stu’s affection
3007E926 00FF
Won’s affection
3007EAFA 00FF
Baby’s affection
3007ECCE 00FF
4c. Harvest sprite codes
Maximum affection
8007EF2A 010E
8007F022 010E
8007F11A 010E
8007F212 010E
8007F30A 010E
8007F402 010E
8007F4FA 010E
Job codes (note8)
Chef’s job
3007EFCC 000?
Day’s left for Chef’s job
3007EFC8 00??
Nappy’s job
3007F0C4 000?
Day’s left for Nappy’s job
3007F0C0 00??
Timid’s job
3007F1BC 000?
Day’s left for Timid’s job
3007F1B8 00??
Hoggy’s job
3007F2B4 000?
Day’s left for Hoggy’s job
3007F2B0 00??
Staid’s job
3007F3AC 000?
Day’s left for Staid’s job
3007F3A8 00??
Bold’s job
3007F4A4 000?
Day’s left for Bold’s job
3007F4A0 00??
Aqua’s job
3007F59C 000?
Day’s left for Aqua’s job
3007F598 00??
Skill codes (note9)
Chef’s harvesting skill
3007EFC2 00??
Chef’s watering skill
3007EFC4 00??
Chef’s animal skill
3007EFC6 00??
Nappy’s harvesting skill
3007F0BA 00??
Nappy’s watering skill
3007F0BC 00??
Nappy’s animal skill
3007F0BE 00??
Timid’s harvesting skill
3007F1B2 00??
Timid’s watering skill
3007F1B4 00??
Timid’s animal akill
3007F1B6 00??
Hoggy’s harvesting skill
3007F2AA 00??
Hoggy’s watering skill
3007F2AC 00??
Hoggy’s animal skill
3007F2AE 00??
Staid’s harvesting skill
3007F3A2 00??
Staid’s watering skill
3007F3A4 00??
Staid’s animal skill
3007F3A6 00??
Bold’s harvesting skill
3007F49A 00??
Bold’s watering skill
3007F49C 00??
Bold’s animal skill
3007F49E 00??
Aqua’s harvesting skill
3007F592 00??
Aqua’s watering skill
3007F594 00??
Aqua’s animal skill
3007F596 00??
4d. Rucksack/Toolbox max item codes
Equipped item codes
Usable item slot
80076364 0063
80076370 0063
80076376 0063
8007637C 0063
80076382 0063
80076388 0063
8007638E 0063
80076394 0063
8007639A 0063
Rucksack item codes
Item in hand
8007636A 0063
800763A0 0063
800763A6 0063
800763AC 0063
800763B2 0063
800763B8 0063
800763BE 0063
800763C4 0063
800763CA 0063
Toolbox 1
800757A2 0063
800757A8 0063
800757AE 0063
800757B4 0063
800757BA 0063
800757C0 0063
800757C6 0063
800757CC 0063
Toolbox 2
800757D2 0063
800757D8 0063
800757DE 0063
800757E4 0063
800757EA 0063
800757F0 0063
800757F6 0063
800757FC 0063
Toolbox 3
80075802 0063
80075808 0063
8007580E 0063
88075814 0063
8007581A 0063
80075820 0063
80075826 0063
8007582C 0063
Toolbox 4
80075832 0063
80075838 0063
8007583E 0063
80075844 0063
8007584A 0063
80075850 0063
80075856 0063
8007585C 0063
Toolbox 5
80075862 0063
80075868 0063
8007586E 0063
80075874 0063
8007587A 0063
80075880 0063
80075886 0063
8007588C 0063
Toolbox 6
80075892 0063
80075898 0063
8007589E 0063
800758A4 0063
800758AA 0063
800758B0 0063
800758B6 0063
800758BC 0063
Toolbox 7
800758C2 0063
800758C8 0063
800758CE 0063
800758D4 0063
800758DA 0063
800758E0 0063
800758E6 0063
800758EC 0063
Toolbox 8
800758F2 0063
800758F8 0063
800758FE 0063
80075904 0063
8007590A 0063
80075910 0063
80075916 0063
8807591C 0063
4e. Cabinet modifier/max item codes (To be added)
4f. Icebox modifier/max item codes (To be added)
4g. Code notes
Note1: These codes don’t work during the horse race
Note2: This code does give you all the power fruits but not the stamina
that goes with it
Note3: This code does give you the large rucksack but it acts like the
standard rucksack (you can only put 2 items in)
Note4: Replace ? with one of the following
Note5: If you don’t want to use the above code this one tomorrows
weather can either be sunny (R1 on pad 2) or raining (R2 on pad 2)
Note6: Replace ?? with FF for max inelligence/stamina for dog/horse
Note7: Replace ?? with FF for max affection
Note8: Replace ? (job code) with one of the following
1-Harvest the crops (sickle icon)
2-Water the crops
3-Harvest the crops (watering can icon)
4-Take care of the animals
replace ?? with a number between 00 and 63 for 0-99 days
Note9: Replace ?? with FF to watch those harvest sprites work at warp speed
5. Modifiers
Note: For the toolbox modifier codes please refer to the the url at the start
of section 4. The icebox and cabinet modifiers will be added when their
modifier codes are done and added
a. toolbox
002-Copper sickle
003-Silver sickle
004-Gold sickle
005-Mystrile sickle
007-Copper hoe
008-Silver hoe
009-Gold hoe
00A-Mystrile hoe
00C-Copper ax
00D-Silver ax
00E-Gold ax
00F-Mystrile ax
011-Copper hammer
012-Sliver hammer
013-Gold hammer
014-Mystrile hammer
015-Watering can
016-Copper watering can
017-Silver watering can
018-Gold watering can
019-Mystrile watering can
01E-Animal medicine
01F-Cow miracle potion
020-Sheep miracle potion
021-Blue feather
022-Turnip seeds
023-Potato seeds
024-Cucumber seeds
025-Strawberry seeds
026-Cabbage seeds
027-Tomato seeds
028-Corn seeds
029-Onion seeds
02A-Pumpkin seeds
02B-Pineapple seeds
02C-Eggplant seeds
02D-Carrot seeds
02E-Sweet potato seeds
02F-Spinach seeds
030-Green pepper seeds
031-Moondrop seeds
032-Pink cat seeds
033-Magic red seeds
034-Toy flower seeds
035-Orange cup seeds
036-Grass seeds
038-Fishing rod
039-Fishing pole
80070CF0 00## Year Modifier80070CF2 000? Season Modifier
0 = Spring
1 = Summer
2 = Fall
3 = Winter
80070CF4 00## Date (NOTE: 00 is the 1st, 01 is the 2nd, etc.; don’t set
above 1D)
80070CF6 000? Day of Week Modifier
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
80070CF8 0006 Freeze Clock at 6:00AM (note that time doesn’t actually
80070CFA 0000 freeze with this code; only the clock does)
80070D02 0168 Freeze time at 6:00AM (this one really DOES freeze time, but
it doesn’t affect the clock)
80070D38 03E7 Maximum Lumber
80070D3A 03E7 Maximum Fodder
80070D3E 03E7 Maximum Fish Food
80070D40 03E7 Maximum Chicken Feed
800712BC 000A Have 10 Power Berries (NOTE: This doesn’t actually boost your
stamina to 200! It only changes how many Power Berries show up in the
80071A1E 0002 Have 8 Rucksack Spaces (NOTE: Don’t use this code! The game
thinks you still have the small rucksack, and you won’t be able to store
items in your pack after you’ve put two items into it)
80071A40 FFFF Sickle is at 400%
80071A42 FFFF Hoe is at 400%
80071A44 FFFF Axe is at 400%
80071A46 FFFF Hammer is at 400%
80071A48 FFFF Watering Can is at 400%
80071A12 00C8 Stamina Never Runs Out (frozen at 200)
800711C4 0### Turnips Shipped
800711C6 0### Potatoes Shipped
800711C8 0### Cucumbers Shipped
800711CA 0### Strawberries Shipped
800711CC 0### Cabbages Shipped
800711CE 0### Tomatoes Shipped
800711D0 0### Corn Shipped
800711D2 0### Onions Shipped
800711D4 0### Pumpkins Shipped
800711D6 0### Pineapples Shipped
800711D8 0### Eggplants Shipped
800711DA 0### Carrots Shipped
800711DC 0### Sweet Potatoes Shipped
800711DE 0### Spinach Shipped
800711E0 0### Green Peppers Shipped
800711E2 0### Eggs Shipped
800711E4 0### Mayonnaise Shipped
800711E6 0### Milk Shipped
800711E8 0### Cheese Shipped
800711EA 0### Wool Shipped
800711EC 0### Yarn Balls Shipped
And some more discovered by me:
800711EE 0### Fish Shipped
800711F0 0### Blue Grass Shipped
800711F2 0### Red Grass Shipped
800711F4 0### Green Grass Shipped
30074302 00FF Chicken 1 has 10 Hearts
300743B6 00FF Chicken 2 has 10 Hearts
3007446A 00FF Chicken 3 has 10 Hearts
3007451E 00FF Chicken 4 has 10 Hearts
300745D2 00FF Chicken 5 has 10 Hearts
30074686 00FF Chicken 6 has 10 Hearts
3007473A 00FF Chicken 7 has 10 Hearts
300747EE 00FF Chicken 8 has 10 Hearts
300748A2 00FF Chicken 9 has 10 Hearts
30074956 00FF Chicken 10 has 10 Hearts
30074A0A 00FF Barn Animal 1 has 10 Hearts
30074AC2 00FF Barn Animal 2 has 10 Hearts
30074B7A 00FF Barn Animal 3 has 10 Hearts
30074C32 00FF Barn Animal 4 has 10 Hearts
30074CEA 00FF Barn Animal 5 has 10 Hearts
30074DA2 00FF Barn Animal 6 has 10 Hearts
30074E5A 00FF Barn Animal 7 has 10 Hearts
30074F12 00FF Barn Animal 8 has 10 Hearts
30074FCA 00FF Barn Animal 9 has 10 Hearts
30075082 00FF Barn Animal 10 has 10 Hearts
3007513A 00FF Barn Animal 11 has 10 Hearts
300751F2 00FF Barn Animal 12 has 10 Hearts
300752AA 00FF Barn Animal 13 has 10 Hearts
30075362 00FF Barn Animal 14 has 10 Hearts
3007541A 00FF Barn Animal 15 has 10 Hearts
300754D2 00FF Barn Animal 16 has 10 Hearts
3007558A 00FF Barn Animal 17 has 10 Hearts
30075642 00FF Barn Animal 18 has 10 Hearts
300756FA 00FF Barn Animal 19 has 10 Hearts
300757B2 00FF Barn Animal 20 has 10 Hearts
300759FA 00FF Dog has 10 Hearts
30075AEA 00FF Horse has 10 Hearts
80070D3C 00?? Fish in Pond (set anywhere between 0 and 63, same for both;
8012722E 00?? changes don’t seem to stay, though!)
80127232 0000 No dead animals (changes won’t stay)
80071A5C 967F Maximum Gold
80071A5E 0098
80071A60 967F Maximum Horse Race Medals
80071A62 0098
800711FC 967F Maximum Season’s Earnings
800711FE 0098
80071200 0000 No Season’s Expenses
800767A0 #### Karen’s Affection
80076EF0 #### Ann’s Affection
80077298 #### Elli’s Affection
80077BBC #### Mary’s Affection
800786B4 #### Popuri’s Affection
0000 to 1337 = Black heart
1338 to 4E1F = Purple heart
4E20 to 752F = Blue heart
7530 to 9C3F = Green heart
9C40 to C34F = Yellow heart
C350 to EA5F = Orange heart
EA60 to FFFF = Red heart
Here are a few useful codes that sniperscope figured out:
300712F8 0001 Barn Feed Bin 1 Full
300712F9 0001 Barn Feed Bin 2 Full
300712FA 0001 Barn Feed Bin 3 Full
300712FB 0001 Barn Feed Bin 4 Full
300712FC 0001 Barn Feed Bin 5 Full
300712FD 0001 Barn Feed Bin 6 Full
300712FE 0001 Barn Feed Bin 7 Full
300712FF 0001 Barn Feed Bin 8 Full
30071300 0001 Barn Feed Bin 9 Full
30071301 0001 Barn Feed Bin 10 Full
30071302 0001 Barn Feed Bin 11 Full
30071303 0001 Barn Feed Bin 12 Full
30071304 0001 Barn Feed Bin 13 Full
30071305 0001 Barn Feed Bin 14 Full
30071306 0001 Barn Feed Bin 15 Full
30071307 0001 Barn Feed Bin 16 Full
30071308 0001 Barn Feed Bin 17 Full
30071309 0001 Barn Feed Bin 18 Full
3007130A 0001 Barn Feed Bin 19 Full
3007130B 0001 Barn Feed Bin 20 Full
3007130E 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 1 Full
3007130F 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 2 Full
30071310 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 3 Full
30071311 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 4 Full
30071312 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 5 Full
30071313 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 6 Full
30071314 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 7 Full
30071315 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 8 Full
30071316 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 9 Full
30071317 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 10 Full
This one was also devised by sniperscope:
8012DB4B 0000 Near-instant bite during fishing (you still need to hold down
the Square button, but not for long; the longest it will take is 2 seconds)
And finally, here’s a few GameShark codes that I myself invented! I’ve
noticed that a few of these popped up on CMGSCCC “mysteriously” not too
long ago, despite the fact that I never submitted them… Maybe I just
never noticed them before, but it still seems suspicious.
30075A90 00## Dog’s intelligence
30075B80 00## Horse’s stamina
D005E874 ???? Joker Command
D005E87C ???? Joker Command
D01231F4 ???? Joker Command
Yes, there are three Joker commands, all of them normal Jokers. They all
work, too! What the heck is a Joker command anyway, you ask? When
enabled, Joker codes will cause the code right after them to only execute
when the conditions in the Joker Command variable are met, meaning that you
can make codes only work when you want them to (via button presses). The
values to use for these codes are as follows:
0000 – Nothing
0001 – L2
0002 – R2
0004 – L1
0008 – R1
0010 – Triangle
0020 – O
0040 – X
0080 – Square
0100 – Select
0800 – Start
1000 – Up
2000 – Right
4000 – Down
8000 – Left
To make a multi-button command, just add the digits together. Note that
these values are in hexadecimal, so (for example) L1 + R1 + R2 would be
000E. Also note that you should not use the last Joker command, as it
updates less often than the other two do.
80071AC2 #### Rucksack Slot 1 Modifier
80071AC8 #### Rucksack Slot 2 Modifier
80071ACE #### Rucksack Slot 3 Modifier
80071AD4 #### Rucksack Slot 4 Modifier
80071ADA #### Rucksack Slot 5 Modifier
80071AE0 #### Rucksack Slot 6 Modifier
80071AE6 #### Rucksack Slot 7 Modifier
80071AEC #### Rucksack Slot 8 Modifier
Kode” Ini memiliki penggunaan yg berbeda. Untu dgunakan ketika memasak, mereka menjadi
faktor “kelezatan” untuk lomba memasak tanggal 22 SPring.Untuk hal yg laenn,manfatnya belum dketahui..
Klo sekiranya tahu,hasilnya bagus untuk makanan, cepet” aja save angkanya..)
30074A1A 00?? Barn Animal 1 Mood Pattern
30074AD2 00?? Barn Animal 2 Mood Pattern
30074B8A 00?? Barn Animal 3 Mood Pattern
30074C42 00?? Barn Animal 4 Mood Pattern
30074CFA 00?? Barn Animal 5 Mood Pattern
30074DB2 00?? Barn Animal 6 Mood Pattern
30074E6A 00?? Barn Animal 7 Mood Pattern
30074F22 00?? Barn Animal 8 Mood Pattern
30074FDA 00?? Barn Animal 9 Mood Pattern
30075092 00?? Barn Animal 10 Mood Pattern
3007514A 00?? Barn Animal 11 Mood Pattern
30075202 00?? Barn Animal 12 Mood Pattern
300752BA 00?? Barn Animal 13 Mood Pattern
30075372 00?? Barn Animal 14 Mood Pattern
3007542A 00?? Barn Animal 15 Mood Pattern
300754E2 00?? Barn Animal 16 Mood Pattern
3007559A 00?? Barn Animal 17 Mood Pattern
30075652 00?? Barn Animal 18 Mood Pattern
3007570A 00?? Barn Animal 19 Mood Pattern
300757C2 00?? Barn Animal 20 Mood Pattern
Values for this so far are mostly unknown. Set to 0E to keep the animals
from moving about.
30074AA4 00## Barn Animal 1 Maturity
30074B5C 00## Barn Animal 2 Maturity
30074C14 00## Barn Animal 3 Maturity
30074CCC 00## Barn Animal 4 Maturity
30074D84 00## Barn Animal 5 Maturity
30074E3C 00## Barn Animal 6 Maturity
30074EF4 00## Barn Animal 7 Maturity
30074FAC 00## Barn Animal 8 Maturity
30075064 00## Barn Animal 9 Maturity
3007511C 00## Barn Animal 10 Maturity
300751D4 00## Barn Animal 11 Maturity
3007528C 00## Barn Animal 12 Maturity
30075344 00## Barn Animal 13 Maturity
300753FC 00## Barn Animal 14 Maturity
300754B4 00## Barn Animal 15 Maturity
3007546C 00## Barn Animal 16 Maturity
30075624 00## Barn Animal 17 Maturity
300756DC 00## Barn Animal 18 Maturity
30075794 00## Barn Animal 19 Maturity
3007584C 00## Barn Animal 20 Maturity
Set to 1F for maximum maturity.
80071A14 00C8 Maximum Stamina at 200
80071A16 0000 Never get sick (fatigue frozen at 0)
80070D14 #### Fish Shipped
800711EE #### Fish Shipped
30071A70 0000 Haven’t littered at all
8007AD00 000? Today’s Weather (does not actually change the weather, but
it does lead to some interesting situations)
8007AD02 000? Tomorrow’s Weather (due to the way the save system works,
this will change the weather to whatever you set it to for two days in a
row minimum, unless you set it up with a joker command)
0 = Sunny
1 = Rain
2 = Snow
3 = Hurricane
4 = Blizzard
300763F6 00## Jeff’s affection
300765CA 00## Sasha’s affection
30076972 00## Saibara’s affection
30076B46 00## Gray’s affection
30076D1A 00## Doug’s affection
300770C2 00## Doctor’s affection
3007746A 00## Pastor Carter’s affection
3007763E 00## Cliff’s affection
30077812 00## Basil’s affection
300779E6 00## Anna’s affection
30077D8E 00## Barley’s affection
30077F62 00## May’s affection
30078136 00## Mayor Thomas’ affection
3007830A 00## Lillia’s affection
300784DE 00## Rick’s affection
30078886 00## Duke’s affection
30078A5A 00## Manna’s affection
30078C2E 00## Ellen’s affection
30078E02 00## Gotz’s affection
30078FD6 00## Kai’s affection
30079552 00## Harris’ affection
30079726 00## Kano’s affection
300798FA 00## Gorumand’s Affection
30079ACE 00## Louis’ affection
30079CA2 00## Greg’s affection
3007A04A 00## Stu’s affection
3007A21E 00## Won’s affection
3007A3F2 00## Your Baby’s affection
3007A414 00## Your Baby’s birthday (season)
3007A416 00## Your Baby’s birthday (day)
3007A64E 00## Chef’s affection
3007A746 00## Nappy’s affection
3007A83E 00## Timid’s affection
3007A936 00## Hoggy’s affection
3007AA2E 00## Staid’s affection
3007AB26 00## Bold’s affection
3007AC1E 00## Aqua’s affection
3007A6F0 000? Chef’s Job
3007A6EC 00## Days left for Chef’s Job
3007A6E6 00## Chef Harvesting Skill
3007A6E8 00## Chef Watering Skill
3007A6EA 00## Chef Animal Skill
3007A7E8 000? Nappy’s Job
3007A7E4 00## Days left for Nappy’s Job
3007A7DE 00## Nappy Harvesting Skill
3007A7E0 00## Nappy Watering Skill
3007A7E2 00## Nappy Animal Skill
3007A8E0 000? Timid’s Job
3007A8DC 00## Days left for Timid’s Job
3007A8D6 00## Timid Harvesting Skill
3007A8D8 00## Timid Watering Skill
3007A8DA 00## Timid Animal Skill
3007A9D8 000? Hoggy’s Job
3007A9D4 00## Days left for Hoggy’s Job
3007A9CE 00## Hoggy Harvesting Skill
3007A9D0 00## Hoggy Watering Skill
3007A9D2 00## Hoggy Animal Skill
3007AAD0 000? Staid’s Job
3007AACC 00## Days left for Staid’s Job
3007AAC6 00## Staid Harvesting Skill
3007AAC8 00## Staid Watering Skill
3007AACA 00## Staid Animal Skill
3007ABC8 000? Bold’s Job
3007ABC4 00## Days left for Bold’s Job
3007ABBE 00## Bold Harvesting Skill
3007ABC0 00## Bold Watering Skill
3007ABC2 00## Bold Animal Skill
3007ACC0 000? Aqua’s Job
3007ACBC 00## Days left for Aqua’s Job
3007ACB6 00## Aqua Harvesting Skill
3007ACB8 00## Aqua Watering Skill
3007ACBA 00## Aqua Animal Skill
Values for Harvest Sprite Jobs:
0 = Free
1 = Harvest the crops (sickle icon)
2 = Water the crops
3 = Harvest the crops (watering can icon)
4 = Take care of the animals
80071CC4 00?? Wedding Date (day of month)
80071CC2 00?? Wedding Date (season)
80071CC0 00?? Wedding Date (year)
800711F8 #### Total value of produce being shipped for the day
800711FA ####
300712C0 00## Total items currently in the basket
800712F4 #### Total value of produce in the basket
800712F6 ####
Gak akan Pernah badai!!
D007AD02 0003
8007AD02 0000
D007AD02 0004
8007AD02 0000
Tekan X dan Segitiga Langsung Menang Swimmiwng Fest,
tp jgn diidupin klo g lg pertandingan swimming lho!
C105E874 0050
800BFE64 0FA0
800BFE66 0000
Swimming-Fest slalu Full Staminanya
300BF336 0003
Tekan X Langsung Menang pertandingan yang lg berlangsung di
Sumo-Chicken Fest, tp jgn diidupin klo g lagi pertandingan..
D005E874 0050
800BF528 FC58
Menghentikan wkatu dg L1 + Segitiga (jam enam jadinya), klo mau idup lg R1 + Segitiga
D005E874 0014
3007937E 00FF

D007937E 00FF
80070CF8 0006
D007937E 00FF
80070CFA 0000
D007937E 00FF
80070D02 0168

D005E874 0018
3007937E 0032
Tekan Slect + Segitiga,langsung sampei lantai paling bawah Wintermine..
(Gak usah coba” dtempat laen)
D005E874 0110
80071B00 D494
D005E874 0110
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B04 F9E7
D005E874 0110
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0110
80071B08 22A9
D005E874 0110
80071B0A FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B00 D188
D005E874 0810
80071B02 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B04 F960
D005E874 0810
80071B06 FFFF
D005E874 0810
80071B08 1A72
D005E874 0810
80071B0A FFFF
=-~ Equipped Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Usable Item Slot 80071A84 00??
Slot 1 80071A90 00??
Slot 2 80071A96 00??
Slot 3 80071A9C 00??
Slot 4 80071AA2 00??
Slot 5 80071AA8 00??
Slot 6 80071AAE 00??
Slot 7 80071AB4 00??
Slot 8 80071ABA 00??=-~ Max Equipped Item Codes ~-=
Usable Item Slot 80071A88 0063
Slot 1 80071A94 0063
Slot 2 80071A9A 0063
Slot 3 80071AA0 0063
Slot 4 80071AA6 0063
Slot 5 80071AAC 0063
Slot 6 80071AB2 0063
Slot 7 80071AB8 0063
Slot 8 80071ABE 0063
=-~ Gameshark Codes for Toolbox ~-=
You make use of these codes for the toolbox. It will be pretty
ridiculous to make use of maximum codes unless for seeds. The game
might hang if you use a non-equip item such as jewelry, crops, etc.
Hence enter at your own risk! The list of modifier digits is found
below the list.
=-~ Toolbox 1 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070EC2 00??
Slot 2 80070EC8 00??
Slot 3 80070ECE 00??
Slot 4 80070ED4 00??
Slot 5 80070EDA 00??
Slot 6 80070EE0 00??
Slot 7 80070EE6 00??
Slot 8 80070EEC 00??
=-~ Toolbox 2 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070EF2 00??
Slot 2 80070EF8 00??
Slot 3 80070EFE 00??
Slot 4 80070F04 00??
Slot 5 80070F0A 00??
Slot 6 80070F10 00??
Slot 7 80070F16 00??
Slot 8 80070F1C 00??
=-~ Toolbox 3 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F22 00??
Slot 2 80070F28 00??
Slot 3 80070F2E 00??
Slot 4 80070F34 00??
Slot 5 80070F3A 00??
Slot 6 80070F40 00??
Slot 7 80070F46 00??
Slot 8 80070F4C 00??
=-~ Toolbox 4 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F52 00??
Slot 2 80070F58 00??
Slot 3 80070F5E 00??
Slot 4 80070F64 00??
Slot 5 80070F6A 00??
Slot 6 80070F70 00??
Slot 7 80070F76 00??
Slot 8 80070F7C 00??
=-~ Toolbox 5 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F82 00??
Slot 2 80070F88 00??
Slot 3 80070F8E 00??
Slot 4 80070F94 00??
Slot 5 80070F9A 00??
Slot 6 80070FA0 00??
Slot 7 80070FA6 00??
Slot 8 80070FAC 00??
=-~ Toolbox 6 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070FB2 00??
Slot 2 80070FB8 00??
Slot 3 80070FBE 00??
Slot 4 80070FC4 00??
Slot 5 80070FCA 00??
Slot 6 80070FD0 00??
Slot 7 80070FD6 00??
Slot 8 80070FDC 00??
=-~ Toolbox 7 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070FE2 00??
Slot 2 80070FE8 00??
Slot 3 80070FEE 00??
Slot 4 80070FF4 00??
Slot 5 80070FFA 00??
Slot 6 80071000 00??
Slot 7 80071006 00??
Slot 8 8007100C 00??
=-~ Toolbox 8 Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80071012 00??
Slot 2 80071018 00??
Slot 3 8007101E 00??
Slot 4 80071024 00??
Slot 5 8007102A 00??
Slot 6 80071030 00??
Slot 7 80071036 00??
Slot 8 8007103C 00??
=-~ Toolbox 1 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070EC6 0063
Slot 2 80070ECC 0063
Slot 3 80070ED2 0063
Slot 4 80070ED8 0063
Slot 5 80070EDE 0063
Slot 6 80070EE4 0063
Slot 7 80070EEA 0063
Slot 8 80070EF0 0063
=-~ Toolbox 2 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070EF6 0063
Slot 2 80070EFC 0063
Slot 3 80070F02 0063
Slot 4 80070F08 0063
Slot 5 80070F0E 0063
Slot 6 80070F14 0063
Slot 7 80070F1A 0063
Slot 8 80070F20 0063
=-~ Toolbox 3 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F26 0063
Slot 2 80070F2C 0063
Slot 3 80070F32 0063
Slot 4 80070F38 0063
Slot 5 80070F3E 0063
Slot 6 80070F44 0063
Slot 7 80070F4A 0063
Slot 8 80070F50 0063
=-~ Toolbox 4 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F56 0063
Slot 2 80070F5C 0063
Slot 3 80070F62 0063
Slot 4 80070F68 0063
Slot 5 80070F6E 0063
Slot 6 80070F74 0063
Slot 7 80070F7A 0063
Slot 8 80070F80 0063
=-~ Toolbox 5 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070F86 0063
Slot 2 80070F8C 0063
Slot 3 80070F92 0063
Slot 4 80070F98 0063
Slot 5 80070F9E 0063
Slot 6 80070FA4 0063
Slot 7 80070FAA 0063
Slot 8 80070FB0 0063
=-~ Toolbox 6 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070FB6 0063
Slot 2 80070FBC 0063
Slot 3 80070FC2 0063
Slot 4 80070FC8 0063
Slot 5 80070FCE 0063
Slot 6 80070FD4 0063
Slot 7 80070FDA 0063
Slot 8 80070FE0 0063
=-~ Toolbox 7 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80070FE6 0063
Slot 2 80070FEC 0063
Slot 3 80070FF2 0063
Slot 4 80070FF8 0063
Slot 5 80070FFE 0063
Slot 6 80071004 0063
Slot 7 8007100A 0063
Slot 8 80071010 0063
=-~ Toolbox 8 Max Item Codes ~-=
Slot 1 80071016 0063
Slot 2 8007101C 0063
Slot 3 80071022 0063
Slot 4 80071028 0063
Slot 5 8007102E 0063
Slot 6 80071034 0063
Slot 7 8007103A 0063
Slot 8 80071040 0063
=-~ Gameshark Codes for the Rucksack ~-=
If you want to use codes to enable infinite items such as flour or
jewellery, I would recommend you to place it here.
=-~ Rucksack Item Modifier Codes ~-=
Item in Hand Slot 80071A8A 0???
Slot 1 80071AC0 0???
Slot 2 80071AC6 0???
Slot 3 80071ACC 0???
Slot 4 80071AD2 0???
Slot 5 80071AD8 0???
Slot 6 80071ADE 0???
Slot 7 80071AE4 0???
Slot 8 80071AEA 0???
=-~ Max Rucksack Item Codes ~-=
Item in Hand Slot 80071A8E 0063
Slot 1 80071AC4 0063
Slot 2 80071ACA 0063
Slot 3 80071AD0 0063
Slot 4 80071AD6 0063
Slot 5 80071ADC 0063
Slot 6 80071AE2 0063
Slot 7 80071AE8 0063
Slot 8 80071AEE 0063
Angka” untuk ItemnyaEquipable/Alat”
000 – Nothing
001 – Sickle
002 – Copper Sickle
003 – Silver Sickle
004 – Gold Sickle
005 – Mystrile Sickle
006 – Hoe
007 – Copper Hoe
008 – Silver Hoe
009 – Gold Hoe
00A – Mystrile Hoe
00B – Ax
00C – Copper Ax
00D – Silver Ax
00E – Gold Ax
00F – Mystrile Ax
010 – Hammer
011 – Copper Hammer
012 – Silver Hammer
013 – Gold Hammer
014 – Mystrile Hammer
015 – Watering Can
016 – Copper Watering Can
017 – Silver Watering Can
018 – Gold Watering Can
019 – Mystrile Watering Can
01A – Milker
01B – Clippers
01C – Brush
01D – Bell
01E – Animal Medicine
01F – C.M. Potion
020 – S.M. Potion
021 – Blue Feather
022 – Turnip Seeds
023 – Potato Seeds
024 – Cucumber Seeds
025 – Strawberry Seeds
026 – Cabbage Seeds
027 – Tomato Seeds
028 – Corn Seeds
029 – Onion Seeds
02A – Pumpkin Seeds
02B – Pineapple Seeds
02C – Eggplant Seeds
02D – Carrot Seeds
02E – Sweet Potato Seeds
02F – Spinach Seeds
030 – Green Pepper Seeds
031 – Moondrop Seeds
032 – Pink Cat Seeds
033 – Magic Red Seeds
034 – Toy Flower Seeds
035 – Orange Cup Seeds
036 – Grass Seeds
037 – Ocarina (you’re not supposed to be able to keep this)
038 – Fishing Rod
039 – Fishing Pole
Benda” Yang bisa dbawa
03A – Stone
03E – Branch
03F – Lumber
040 – Weeds
041 – Turnip
042 – Potato
043 – Cucumber
044 – Strawberry
045 – Cabbage
046 – Tomato
047 – Corn
048 – Onion
049 – Pumpkin
04A – Pineapple
04B – Eggplant
04C – Carrot
04D – Sweet Potato
04E – Spinach
04F – Green Pepper
051 – Moon Drop Flower
052 – Pink Cat Flower
053 – Blue Magic Red Flower
054 – Red Magic Red Flower
055 – Toy Flower
056 – Orange Cup Fruit
057 – Apple
058 – Bamboo Shoot
059 – Wild Grape
05A – Mushroom
05B – Poisonous Mushroom
05C – Truffle
05D – Blue Grass
05E – Red Grass
05F – Green Grass
060 – Mystrile
061 – Orichalcum
062 – Adamantite
063 – Ketchup Recipe
064 – Basket
065 – Dog Ball
068 – Fodder
069 – Chicken Feed
07A – Gold Ore
07B – Silver Ore
07C – Copper Ore
07D – Carp Print (Note that these prints aren’t the real deal, as far as
07E – Char Print the game is concerned. You might as well just try and
07F – Catfish Print catch the King Fish yourself.)
080 – Squid Print
081 - Angler Print
082 – Sea Bream Print
084 – Fish Food
085 – Orange Cup Fruit (yes, there are two of these; this one can be eaten)
086 – Egg
087 – Spa-boiled Egg
088 – Mayonnaise S
089 – Mayonnaise M
08A – Mayonnaise L
08B – Milk S
08C – Milk M
08D – Milk L
08E – Cheese S
08F – Cheese M
090 – Cheese L
091 – Wool S
092 – Wool M
093 – Wool L
094 – Yarn Ball S
095 – Yarn Ball M
096 – Yarn Ball L
097 – Honey
098 – SUGDW Apple
099 – Rice Ball
09A – Bread
09B – Bodigizer
09C – Bodigizer XL
09D – Turbojolt
09E – Turbojolt XL
09F – Wine
0A0 – Grape Juice
0A1 – Large Fish
0A2 – Medium Fish
0A3 – Small Fish
0A5 – Oil
0A6 – Flour
0A7 – Curry Powder
0AD – Veggie Pancake
0AE – Fried Rice
0AF – Stir Fry
0B0 – Miso Soup
0B1 – Stew
0B2 – Curry
0B3 – Salad
0B4 – Fruit Juice
0B5 – Vegetable Juice
0B6 – Mixed Juice
0B7 – Sandwich
0B8 – Pickled Turnips
0B9 – Fries
0BA – Pickles
0BB – Strawberry Jam
0BC – Strawberry Milk
0BD – Tomato Juice
0BE – Popcorn
0BF – Pumpkin Pudding
0C0 – Happy Eggplant
0C1 – Sweet Potato (the dish, not the crop)
0C2 – Roasted Potatoes
0C3 – Greens
0C4 – Scrambled Eggs
0C5 – Omelet
0C6 – Boiled Egg
0C7 – Hot Milk
0C8 – Butter
0C9 – Cheesecake
0CA – Cheese Fondue
0CB - Apple Jam
0CC – Apple Pie
0CD – Bamboo Rice
0CE – Mushroom Rice
0CF – Truffle Rice
0D0 – Grape Jam
0D1 – Sushi
0D2 – Chirashi Sushi
0D3 – Jam Bun
0D4 – Raisin Bread
0D5 – Dinner Roll
0D6 – Sashimi
0D7 – Grilled Fish
0D8 – Pizza
0DA – Noodles
0DB – Curry Noodles
0DC – Tempura Noodles
0DD – Fried Noodles
0DE – Tempura
0DF – Cookie
0E0 – Ice Cream
0E1 – Cake
0E2 – Food Fiasco
0E3 – Milk G
0E4 – Cheese G
0E5 – Mayonnaise G
0E6 – Yarn G
0E7 – Wool G
0E8 – Golden Egg
0E9 – Can
0EA – Fries Recipe
0EB – Boot
0EC – Dead Fish
0F3 – Chocolate
0F4 – Chocolate Cookies
0F5 – Chocolate Cake
0F7 – Bracelet
0F8 – Necklace
0F9 – Earrings
0FA – Bandage
0FB – Relaxation Tea Leaves
0FC – Relaxation Tea
0FD – Fruit Latte
0FE – Veggie Latte
0FF – Mixed Latte
100 – Perfume
101 – Cliff’s Photo
102 – Letter
103 – Invitation
104 – Woodcutter Book
105 – Picturebook
106 – Adult Dog
107 – Young Dog
10B – Rabbit (this one is white)
10C – Rabbit (this one is brown)
10D – Squirrel
10E – Fox
10F – Monkey
110 – Snake
111 – Crab
112 – Butterfly
113 – Butterfly (not the same as the other one)
114 – Beetle
115 – Stag Beetle
116 – Cicada
117 – Dragonfly
118 – Cricket
119 – Lady Bug
11A – Grasshopper
122 – Normal Egg
123 – Good Egg
124 – Excellent Egg
125 – Popuri’s Egg
127 – Empty Bottle
12E – Ketchup
12F – Rice Omelet
138 – Junk Ore
13A – Dead Weed
13B – Winter Stone
13C – Winter Branch
13D – Winter Lumber
Mengubah Jenis benda dalam Kulkas
Halaman ke-1
Slot 1 80070D42 0xxx (Ubah xxx sesuai dg kode item di post sebelumnya)
Slot 2 80070D48 0xxx
Slot 3 80070D4E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070D54 0xxx
Slot 5 80070D5A 0xxx
Slot 6 80070D60 0xxx
Slot 7 80070D66 0xxx
Slot 8 80070D6C 0xxxHalaman ke-2
Slot 1 80070D72 0xxx
Slot 2 80070D78 0xxx
Slot 3 80070D7E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070D84 0xxx
Slot 5 80070D8A 0xxx
Slot 6 80070D90 0xxx
Slot 7 80070D96 0xxx
Slot 8 80070D9C 0xxx
Halaman ke-3
Slot 1 80070DA2 0xxx
Slot 2 80070DA8 0xxx
Slot 3 80070DAE 0xxx
Slot 4 80070DB4 0xxx
Slot 5 80070DBA 0xxx
Slot 6 80070DC0 0xxx
Slot 7 80070DC6 0xxx
Slot 8 80070DCC 0xxx
Halaman ke-4
Slot 1 80070DD2 0xxx
Slot 2 80070DD8 0xxx
Slot 3 80070DDE 0xxx
Slot 4 80070DE4 0xxx
Slot 5 80070DEA 0xxx
Slot 6 80070DF0 0xxx
Slot 7 80070DF6 0xxx
Slot 8 80070DFC 0xxx
Halaman ke-5
Slot 1 80070E02 0xxx
Slot 2 80070E08 0xxx
Slot 3 80070E0E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070E14 0xxx
Slot 5 80070E1A 0xxx
Slot 6 80070E20 0xxx
Slot 7 80070E26 0xxx
Slot 8 80070E2C 0xxx
Halaman ke-6
Slot 1 80070E32 0xxx
Slot 2 80070E38 0xxx
Slot 3 80070E3E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070E44 0xxx
Slot 5 80070E4A 0xxx
Slot 6 80070E50 0xxx
Slot 7 80070E56 0xxx
Slot 8 80070E5C 0xxx
Halaman ke-7
Slot 1 80070E62 0xxx
Slot 2 80070E68 0xxx
Slot 3 80070E6E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070E74 0xxx
Slot 5 80070E7A 0xxx
Slot 6 80070E80 0xxx
Slot 7 80070E86 0xxx
Slot 8 80070E8C 0xxx
Halaman ke-8
Slot 1 80070E92 0xxx
Slot 2 80070E98 0xxx
Slot 3 80070E9E 0xxx
Slot 4 80070EA4 0xxx
Slot 5 80070EAA 0xxx
Slot 6 80070EB0 0xxx
Slot 7 80070EB6 0xxx
Slot 8 80070EBC 0xxx
Mengubah Jumlah Benda dalam Kulkas
Halaman ke-1
Slot 1 80070D46 00xx (isi antara 00-63, NB:Untuk Hexadecimal 63 adalah 99 dalam Decimal)
Slot 2 80070D4C 00xx
Slot 3 80070D52 00xx
Slot 4 80070D58 00xx
Slot 5 80070D5E 00xx
Slot 6 80070D64 00xx
Slot 7 80070D6A 00xx
Slot 8 80070D70 00xxHalaman ke-2
Slot 1 80070D76 00xx
Slot 2 80070D7C 00xx
Slot 3 80070D82 00xx
Slot 4 80070D88 00xx
Slot 5 80070D8E 00xx
Slot 6 80070D94 00xx
Slot 7 80070D9A 00xx
Slot 8 80070DA0 00xx
Halaman ke-3
Slot 1 80070DA6 00xx
Slot 2 80070DAC 00xx
Slot 3 80070DB2 00xx
Slot 4 80070DB8 00xx
Slot 5 80070DBE 00xx
Slot 6 80070DC4 00xx
Slot 7 80070DCA 00xx
Slot 8 80070DD0 00xx
Halaman ke-4
Slot 1 80070DD6 00xx
Slot 2 80070DDC 00xx
Slot 3 80070DE2 00xx
Slot 4 80070DE8 00xx
Slot 5 80070DEE 00xx
Slot 6 80070DF4 00xx
Slot 7 80070DFA 00xx
Slot 8 80070E00 00xx
Halaman ke-5
Slot 1 80070E06 00xx
Slot 2 80070E0C 00xx
Slot 3 80070E12 00xx
Slot 4 80070E18 00xx
Slot 5 80070E1E 00xx
Slot 6 80070E24 00xx
Slot 7 80070E2A 00xx
Slot 8 80070E30 00xx
Halaman ke-6
Slot 1 80070E36 00xx
Slot 2 80070E3C 00xx
Slot 3 80070E42 00xx
Slot 4 80070E48 00xx
Slot 5 80070E4E 00xx
Slot 6 80070E54 00xx
Slot 7 80070E5A 00xx
Slot 8 80070E60 00xx
Halaman ke-7
Slot 1 80070E66 00xx
Slot 2 80070E6C 00xx
Slot 3 80070E72 00xx
Slot 4 80070E78 00xx
Slot 5 80070E7E 00xx
Slot 6 80070E84 00xx
Slot 7 80070E8A 00xx
Slot 8 80070E90 00xx
Halaman ke-8
Slot 1 80070E96 00xx
Slot 2 80070E9C 00xx
Slot 3 80070EA2 00xx
Slot 4 80070EA8 00xx
Slot 5 80070EAE 00xx
Slot 6 80070EB4 00xx
Slot 7 80070EBA 00xx
Slot 8 80070EC0 00xx
Modifier Jenis Benda di Cabinet
Halaman Ke-1
Slot 1 80071042 0xxx
Slot 2 80071048 0xxx
Slot 3 8007104E 0xxx
Slot 4 80071054 0xxx
Slot 5 8007105A 0xxx
Slot 6 80071060 0xxx
Slot 7 80071066 0xxx
Slot 8 8007106C 0xxxHalaman ke-2
Slot 1 80071072 0xxx
Slot 2 80071078 0xxx
Slot 3 8007107E 0xxx
Slot 4 80071084 0xxx
Slot 5 8007108A 0xxx
Slot 6 80071090 0xxx
Slot 7 80071096 0xxx
Slot 8 8007109C 0xxx
Halaman ke-3
Slot 1 800710A2 0xxx
Slot 2 800710A8 0xxx
Slot 3 800710AE 0xxx
Slot 4 800710B4 0xxx
Slot 5 800710BA 0xxx
Slot 6 800710C0 0xxx
Slot 7 800710C6 0xxx
Slot 8 800710CC 0xxx
Halaman ke-4
Slot 1 800710D2 0xxx
Slot 2 800710D8 0xxx
Slot 3 800710DE 0xxx
Slot 4 800710E4 0xxx
Slot 5 800710EA 0xxx
Slot 6 800710F0 0xxx
Slot 7 800710F6 0xxx
Slot 8 800710FC 0xxx
Halaman ke-5
Slot 1 80071102 0xxx
Slot 2 80071108 0xxx
Slot 3 8007110E 0xxx
Slot 4 80071114 0xxx
Slot 5 8007111A 0xxx
Slot 6 80071120 0xxx
Slot 7 80071126 0xxx
Slot 8 8007112C 0xxx
Halaman ke-6
Slot 1 80071132 0xxx
Slot 2 80071138 0xxx
Slot 3 8007113E 0xxx
Slot 4 80071144 0xxx
Slot 5 8007114A 0xxx
Slot 6 80071150 0xxx
Slot 7 80071156 0xxx
Slot 8 8007115C 0xxx
Halaman ke-7
Slot 1 80071162 0xxx
Slot 2 80071168 0xxx
Slot 3 8007116E 0xxx
Slot 4 80071174 0xxx
Slot 5 8007117A 0xxx
Slot 6 80071180 0xxx
Slot 7 80071186 0xxx
Slot 8 8007118C 0xxx
Halaman ke-8
Slot 1 80071192 0xxx
Slot 2 80071198 0xxx
Slot 3 8007119E 0xxx
Slot 4 800711A4 0xxx
Slot 5 800711AA 0xxx
Slot 6 800711B0 0xxx
Slot 7 800711B6 0xxx
Slot 8 800711BC 0xxx
Modifier Jumlah Benda di Cabinet
Halaman Ke-1
Slot 1 80071046 00xx
Slot 2 8007104C 00xx
Slot 3 80071052 00xx
Slot 4 80071058 00xx
Slot 5 8007105E 00xx
Slot 6 80071064 00xx
Slot 7 8007106A 00xx
Slot 8 80071070 00xxHalaman ke-2
Slot 1 80071076 00xx
Slot 2 8007107C 00xx
Slot 3 80071082 00xx
Slot 4 80071088 00xx
Slot 5 8007108E 00xx
Slot 6 80071094 00xx
Slot 7 8007109A 00xx
Slot 8 800710A0 00xx
Halaman ke-3
Slot 1 800710A6 00xx
Slot 2 800710AC 00xx
Slot 3 800710B2 00xx
Slot 4 800710B8 00xx
Slot 5 800710BE 00xx
Slot 6 800710C4 00xx
Slot 7 800710CA 00xx
Slot 8 800710D0 00xx
Halaman ke-4
Slot 1 800710D6 00xx
Slot 2 800710DC 00xx
Slot 3 800710E2 00xx
Slot 4 800710E8 00xx
Slot 5 800710EE 00xx
Slot 6 800710F4 00xx
Slot 7 800710FA 00xx
Slot 8 80071100 00xx
Halaman ke-5
Slot 1 80071106 00xx
Slot 2 8007110C 00xx
Slot 3 80071112 00xx
Slot 4 80071118 00xx
Slot 5 8007111E 00xx
Slot 6 80071124 00xx
Slot 7 8007112A 00xx
Slot 8 80071130 00xx
Halaman ke-6
Slot 1 80071136 00xx
Slot 2 8007113C 00xx
Slot 3 80071142 00xx
Slot 4 80071148 00xx
Slot 5 8007114E 00xx
Slot 6 80071154 00xx
Slot 7 8007115A 00xx
Slot 8 80071160 00xx
Halaman ke-7
Slot 1 80071166 00xx
Slot 2 8007116C 00xx
Slot 3 80071172 00xx
Slot 4 80071178 00xx
Slot 5 8007117E 00xx
Slot 6 80071184 00xx
Slot 7 8007118A 00xx
Slot 8 80071190 00xx
Halaman ke-8
Slot 1 80071196 00xx
Slot 2 8007119C 00xx
Slot 3 800711A2 00xx
Slot 4 800711A8 00xx
Slot 5 800711AE 00xx
Slot 6 800711B4 00xx
Slot 7 800711BA 00xx
Slot 8 800711C0 00xx
i wrote this post according to many resources and just for be our guide in playing this game .. ENJOY !!!


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